Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123

What is the Deal with Progressive Insurance?

Young woman and car

You see the advertisements on television. Flo looks great with that 50’s vibe and sassy humor. Progressive seems to be everywhere. What does Progressive do that’s so different from other companies? Listed below are a few things different about Progressive Insurance. 1.)They have twenty four hour roadside service. If your car is broken down at 2am, there is a 24hr hotline that you can call. You talk with a real person and they will give […]

How to Choose an Insurance Agent?

Insurance Agent Las Vegas

It seems like there are a thousand different insurance agents in Las Vegas. Help! How do you go through all those insurance agents and find the right one? It seems like everyone has had a bad experience with an agent that wasn’t there for them, didn’t help them with their needs, or was just plain shady. Here are some tips and strategies to consider while navigating the insurance agent highway out there. 1.)The first step […]

Benefits of Renters Insurance

One night in August of 2015, a fire set off by a negligent smoker sent 20 apartment complex tenants out into Henderson’s streets. The evacuees escaped with little more than their lives, their pets and the clothes on their backs. Unless they had renters insurance, these Nevada residents most likely lost everything else. Why Renters Insurance Makes Sense The value of an apartment’s contents is often greater than its occupants consciously realize. An inventory of […]