Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123

Progressive Roadside Assistance

Progressive Insurance offers roadside assistance coverage to its clients. This coverage is offered for:

  • Automobiles.
  • Boats (on water towing and trailer coverage as well).
  • RV’s.
  • ATV’s.
  • And even Motorcycles!

Everyone has experienced some type of vehicle trouble, whether it is running out of gas or having engine problems. Vehicle trouble is never fun and is costly and time consuming. Have you ever had a flat tire or your vehicle breaks down in the middle of nowhere? Don’t go through this alone, have the peace of mind knowing that Progressive is there 24/7 to assist you.

Progressive Insurance Roadside Assistance coverage includes tow assistance, flat tire change, battery jump, locksmith services, fuel and fluid delivery. Progressive will send a professional who will tow you anywhere within a 15 mile radius or to the nearest qualified repair facility if there is a mechanical breakdown or your vehicle becomes disabled due to weather. If you lose your keys you can call Progressive 24/7 and they will send a qualified service provider to assist you. All you pay is the cost of your keys. With Progressive Roadside Assistance you will never be stranded.

Call Insurance Specialists to have Roadside Assistance added to your new or existing policy today!