Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123

Being A Tourist

Las VegasWorking in a must see destination can be fun and can introduce you to a lot of different types of people from many different parts of the world. Unfortunately, all that coolness and diversity all seem to change when people are visiting from elsewhere and people become tourists who are more alike than different.

Though most people are smart and savvy people when they are in there own hometown, but often will tend to leave their brains there when they go on vacation and will do and say some of the craziest things. There are quite a few which can really make me shake my head from time to time, and I’d like to enlighten you on some of these things, so that the next time you are on vacation, you might be able to enjoy it even more.

There are many people who are so focused on recording their memories that they don’t seem to be enjoying themselves or any of the memories that they’re making. They spend the entire time behind a camera and don’t seem to see anything first hand.  Instead of enjoying a beautiful view or talented performers, they are more insistent on turning family members backs to them so they can get the shot that they desire. Please, take a moment to enjoy what you are seeing, then, take the picture to show the folks back home, you’ll be amazed at what you see.

Environmental performers are becoming more and more the norm in many different places, especially theme parks. I guarantee you, that if you let the person you are taking a picture of KNOW  that it’s a video rather than a still shot, you will get better footage.  More often than not, people are posing with the character, while the camera person is going insane that people are standing still in his video. Communication is the key, people are not mind readers.

Often when we are in a new place, it’s hard to figure out how to get to where you want to go.  Asking directions becomes the norm.  As frustrating as being lost can be, I promise you, if you wait for the person giving you directions to finish before walking away, you stand a better chance at finding what you are looking for. More often than not, people will ask directions, and after the first sentence, turn and walk away.  It’s rude to the person giving directions, and it doesn’t do you any favors either.

Many people think they are worldly travelers and would never make these kinds of mistakes, but like I said, we go on vacation and so does our brain. Now that these things have been brought to light, the next time you go on vacation, you just may surprise yourself by doing some of these faux pas yourself.  If you do, don’t worry, don’t be embarrassed, you are not the only one.