Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123

Driving in a Foreign Country

Sometimes to get the full experience of visiting a foreign country, or to see some of the things that tourists don’t get to see, you have to drive there.  Many Americans worry about driving in a foreign country, don’t know how to do it legally, or worry about the difference of the laws there.  Not to fear, if you already have a drivers license, you can get an international driving permit that is sanctioned by the United Nations and recognized in over 100 countries. This is not just for overseas travel, this is also for traveling 50 miles north of the Canadian border or 300 miles south of the Mexican one.

You do have to beware as with everything, there are scam artists out there waiting to take your money, but in this case they are really easy to spot and avoid.  Remember that you cannot get an international drivers license, only a permit and to get this permit, you must already have a US driver’s license. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently.  Some scam artists will tell you that you don’t need a license, or that this license will replace your US one, don’t believe them.  Think of the permit as a translation of your legal driver’s license.

There are only two places that are authorized by the US Department of State where you can get your international driving permit. Those are AAA or the American Automobile Touring Alliance.  You do not have to be a member for them to issue you a permit.  You simply go in with your US drivers license and two passport photos and fill out the forms.  They will mail you your permit between 2 to 15 days, depending on how much you pay to expedite it. And that’s it! That wasn’t so hard was it?

The hard part will be the actual driving in the foreign land, and learning their laws.  If you’re planning on renting a car, many rental car companies will have this information for you. You will probably have to buy their insurance though, as many insurance companies don’t cover cars when they cross the border.  Even if you are driving your own car to one of our neighboring countries, you might need to buy separate insurance for the trip.  Whenever you are unsure about coverage, call your insurance agent and ask what is covered under you policy. It’s alway’s best to ask before than to find out your not covered too late.

The internet is a great source for learning the pictures on the street signs in other places.  They are not always self explanatory. You can also contact the country’s embassy or consulate before you leave the US.  When it comes to driving, knowing the rules of the road will not only save you on driving fines, but it could also save your life.

Have fun, enjoy your vacation, and happy driving!