Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

You insure your car, your house, and other assets because it’s either a legal requirement or a rational necessity. But when considering whether or not to insure your life, and how much you should invest in a policy, the answer isn’t so cut and dry. Many factors must be taken into account to determine your need for life insurance. Let’s first discuss what types of life insurance there are to choose from so you can […]

Do You Need Insurance for Your Rental Property?

Many people think that if you’re just renting a piece of property, you don’t really need to purchase insurance for it. While this might seem like a plausible argument, the reality is that having insurance for your rental is a better idea than leaving it uncovered. Unfortunately, neglecting to buy insurance for your rental can cause more problems than might be foreseeable at the time you sign your lease. Most renters don’t think about insurance […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Flood Insurance

With changes in recent weather patterns around the world, it has been hard to predict previously consistent outcomes in certain areas. Some areas that are usually dry, like Las Vegas, are being subjected to heavy rains that can lead to serious flooding. With this in mind, it is important for homeowners to protect themselves and their property by considering the necessary insurance policies that will cover everything that can and may happen to their home. […]

Using Uber? Consider This before Jumping in That Car

Whether living in a large city or a small suburb, citizens are always in need of transportation. While many individuals have their own vehicles to get around, plenty of others depend upon public transportation options such as buses, trains, and taxis. Some companies, however, have taken the idea of a taxi to the next level and recruited ordinary citizens to use their own cars to offer rides to those in need. This may sound like […]

A Snapshot of Progressive’s Snapshot: Usage-Based Insurance

When taking to the road, having auto insurance with proper coverage is a must. It can help drivers out of jams, offer them a financial cushion if the worst should happen, and ensure that any damage or injuries that come to them or people in their cars will be taken care of promptly and efficiently. While insurance does so much good, it can be pricey and can even become even more costly the more times […]

Checking Your Car’s Alignment

There are many reasons to have your alignment checked on your vehicle regularly, and as far as maintenance goes it is definitely one of the easy ones.  First of all, a car with good alignment is a safer car; it is less likely to drift off of the road, and tends to go in the direction that you tell it to. Second of all, it will keep you tires from wearing as much which can […]

Foreign Car Insurance

When it comes to driving in a foreign country and making sure you are covered, it’s all about planning ahead.  Sometimes we are more covered than we think we are and end up paying more than we need, or sometimes we are less covered than we think, and end up pay for it. Just like the US, most countries have laws saying how much coverage a vehicle should have, and you will get fined or […]

Keeping your boat maintained

  Boat maintenance is probably one of the most daunting tasks of any mode of transportation or fun.  There’s a reason that people say boat stands for Bust Out Another Thousand.  However, it doesn’t always have to be that expensive.  By keeping your boat well maintained and checking on things periodically, you can prevent huge repair bills by fixing something before it gets overwhelming. Because there are so many things to keep up on a […]

Emergency Vehicles – Be on the lookout!

Most people know that when they see or hear lights and sirens, we should get out of the way.  More often than not it’s an ambulance, fire engine or police officer trying to get where they are going in a hurry. Unfortunately knowing and doing are two different things.  Sometimes there is nothing we can do, other times people think that where they need to go is just as important. The law says that upon […]

Drunk Boating – It’s A Crime!

Sure, most people take it as a given that when you take the boat out on the lake, of course you’re going to have a few beers. However, most people aren’t aware that the laws on water and the laws on land are surprisingly similar. Sure, there can be alcohol on the boat but not in your car, but that’s just about where the differences end.  Accidents on the water can be just as fatal […]