Progressive Insurance
7380 S. Eastern #116
Las Vegas, NV 89123

How Important is Long-Term Care Insurance?

You get health insurance to finance final expenses and protect your family from financial hardship in the case of your death. But what many people don’t consider is the immense cost that you and your family could be burdened with if you need long-term care for an illness or disability that requires daily care. Not everyone will need long-term care when they get older. However, most people who live a long life will eventually require […]

Do You Need Insurance for Your Rental Property?

Many people think that if you’re just renting a piece of property, you don’t really need to purchase insurance for it. While this might seem like a plausible argument, the reality is that having insurance for your rental is a better idea than leaving it uncovered. Unfortunately, neglecting to buy insurance for your rental can cause more problems than might be foreseeable at the time you sign your lease. Most renters don’t think about insurance […]

5 Things You Need to Know About Flood Insurance

With changes in recent weather patterns around the world, it has been hard to predict previously consistent outcomes in certain areas. Some areas that are usually dry, like Las Vegas, are being subjected to heavy rains that can lead to serious flooding. With this in mind, it is important for homeowners to protect themselves and their property by considering the necessary insurance policies that will cover everything that can and may happen to their home. […]

Dental Insurance

To have, or not, that is the question Though we all know that having medical insurance is important, dental insurance is less so. Sure emergencies can arrive unexpectedly with both, but the medical ones are going to cost you a lot more than the dental ones.  That’s not to say that dental work is cheap; crowns can run up to $1,500 and a root canal can range from $300-1,000. Not everyone has these kinds of […]

What to think about before getting a Dog!

If you are thinking of adding a new, furry family member to your home, it’s important to think of the additional costs.  Food and visits to the veterinarian are common costs but did you know that your new pooch could increase your homeowners/renters insurance premium? The Insurance Information Institute reported that nearly $489 billion was paid out in dog bite claims in 2012.  Additionally, they reported that one-third of homeowners’ claims were submitted due to […]

Renters Insurance: The Forgotten Policy

So you have your car insured, you have your motorcycle insured, your life insured, your health insured, you may even have your boat insured, but many people who rent, forget to have the rest of their things insured.  Some people don’t even know that they can, or even if they can afford it. When you own your home, it’s a no brainer, in fact most mortgage companies require that you have insurance.  It will cover […]


 Insurance, it’s something we all need to buy (sometimes because it’s good to, and sometimes because it’s the law), and yet, while we’re paying every month, we’re hoping to never have to use it. There isn’t much in life that you pay for but don’t want to use. So if you could spend less every month, without having less coverage, wouldn’t you want it?  Of course you can shop around for different insurance companies, and […]

Rental Car Coverage

 It’s happened to all of us. We go on vacation, we rent a car, and then we get asked the dreaded question: Do you want to buy insurance for your rental car? We want to answer no because we think our insurance covers it, but what if we’re wrong? What if something happens and we’re responsible for all of it? That’s a lot more vacation money than was planned for.  Ironically, even if one were […]

Fire Safety, Are You Prepared?

Many times we get lulled into a false sense of security that fires happen to other people and not ourselves, that house fires happen only if you live near a forest fire area, or that fires only happen to stupid people. The truth is that fires can happen to anyone. Whether it’s from lightning, faulty wiring, children playing with matches, space heaters or smokers, it can happen to anyone, including you. Being prepared for, and having early […]